About 100 participants attended the WW+KN-client-seminars in Regensburg and Munich-Unterhaching
Again well attended were the annual years-end-seminars of the tax consultancy WW+KN in Regensburg and Munich-Unterhaching this year. In the center of the presentations were tax optimized strategies to the end of the year, current changes in the law of travel expenses, in the wage tax law as well as in the German VAT law. Also new developments about the electronic balance-sheet were discussed.
The presentations were held by the WW+KN managing partners Dr. René Neubert, Markus Krinninger and Matthias Winkler. About 100 participants from medium-sized companies, banks and public institutions attended the seminars. During the breaks and after the seminars many participants used the time for networking and discussing about tax details as well as about the regional economic.
“Again we realized how important it is to update about current tax developments”, WW+KN Dr. René Neubert said after the seminars. Many of the participants didn´t know the changes regarding VAT-free intra-community deliveries and how to make a tax optimized testament. “We are very happy that our years-end-seminars are a fixed date in the calendars of many regional firms”, the partner colleague of Dr. Neubert, Matthias Winkler, added.
The handout of the seminars can be requested by e-mail to info@wwkn.de. The handout will be send by regular mail.